Set Up Pay Type (UDT10)

If you need to export the hours for a certain pay type to ADP, you must map your pay types (UDT10) to the appropriate ADP hours and earnings codes.

You must configure one or both of these fields on the UDT10 Pay Type screen:

  • Payroll Map Code — Use this field to determine how hours and amounts are exported. The valid values are as follows:
    • None — No hours are exported.
    • Regular — Hours are accumulated and exported as regular hours.
    • Overtime — Hours are accumulated and exported as overtime hours.
    • Hours 3 — Hours are accumulated and exported as Hours 3.
    • Hours 4 — Hours are accumulated and exported as Hours 4.
    • Earnings 3 — This option is currently not available.
    • Earnings 4 — This option is currently not available.
    • Earnings 5 — This option is currently not available.
  • Payroll Earnings Code — Use this field to provide the Hours or Earnings Code if the hours are mapped to Earnings or Hours.

To properly report vacation and holiday time, you may need to create specific pay types so that you can map those pay types to the appropriate Hours 3 or Hours 4 fields. You can associate specific leave charges to specific pay types via the charge trees.

To enter pay type (UDT10) information for ADP export, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Administration menu, click Master Date > Pay type UDT 10.
  2. For each pay type that you want to export to ADP, click   Search and locate the pay type record.
  3. Enter the following information in the Labor/Payroll Options area:
    • Payroll Earnings Code

    • Payroll Map Code

  4. Click   Save.